New Tools Under Your Belt

Tired of hitting that limiting step in your research? Scientist, the world’s largest online marketplace for drug discovery research services, may just be the right catalyst for you!
In our quest to empower scientists to make breakthrough discoveries, we’ve optimized our system and added some new features to the site to improve your experience in finding the best partner for your experiment, getting connected with qualified experts, and ultimately accelerating your research.
Search Recommendations
With new users to the site in mind, we’ve optimized our search engine to automatically fill if you’re not entirely confident in the search keyword to use to find the service or providers applicable to your experiment. Simply start typing a keyword and the system will provide you with a number of recommendations for you to use as your search term. Hit the Search button to populate your service and vendor results and begin your success story with Scientist.
For more advanced users of our site, we’ve included a number of features in our update that we hope will improve your vendor selection process.
Rapid Order
For users who are conducting similar studies on various compounds, we’ve built a Rapid Order feature to allow you to quickly select and order the fee-for-service or fee-for-product needed. To access the Rapid Order function, visit any service category on the site and click on the Rapid Order link located above the service listings.
Review Quotes
Have you gotten a number of responses from vendors for a service you’ve requested? Well, now you’ll be able to quickly compare the prices they’ve quoted and view their vendor ratings. From this page, you’ll also be able to easily access the MicroBlogs for each vendor to communicate directly with their representative.
To start comparing your vendor responses, log into your Scientist account to access your Dashboard. Click on the Review link for the request you’ve made to be redirected to the quotes comparison page.
Reply All
Update multiple vendors on the status of your request with a single MicroBlog entry with the new Reply All feature. We understand that some projects may need to be updated in regards to service requirements or may have to be postponed, but whatever the case, we’ve equipped you with this tool to reply to all the vendors you’ve contacted.
From your Scientist Dashboard, click the Review link to be redirected to the comparison page. Click on the Reply To All button to access the Reply All function. You’ll be able to enter your text, attach a file, and select the vendors to whom you’d like to contact.
We are constantly incorporating new changes to the site to assist researchers like you in streamlining drug discovery and development. We would be happy to hear from you about your experiences with Scientist and how we can improve the system further to facilitate your research.