Research Exchange 3.0 Released

Over 9 months in the making, Scientist is proud to announce the immediate availability of our much improved Research Exchange platform. The Research Exchange 3.0 includes many new features our users have been asking for and a whole set of refinements to the features our users already use. The Scientist Research Exchange enables researchers to outsource work directly to the vendors who can perform the work.
Standard Research Exchange Features
Request Workflow Improvements
The team at the Scientist has performed a complete redesign of how researchers collaborate with vendors. We’re streamlining the workflow from beginning to end while adding key new features. Researchers can find a service and start a conversation with vendors in less steps than ever before. Requests are initiated by a few convenient methods: searching the Scientist database, browsing to a discipline, or consulting with the Scientist request team. The request workflow has been simplified to help the conversation flow from information gathering, to bidding, and all the way to a successful purchase. All on one convenient website.
More New Features
- Save requests as drafts and come back later
- Easily manage conversations with multiple vendors
- Improved notifications alert you at any step
- Advanced reporting export including CSV and JSON
- Advanced search filtering
Enterprise Research Exchange Features
Site Representative Role
Assign users to maintain corporate policy on requests. Site reps can gate and edit requests and participate in the timeline conversations.
Enterprise Single Sign-On
The Research Exchange fully supports the SAML 2.0 authentication protocol. IT departments can configure identity providers to send users to the Research Exchange for a seamless sign-on experience. IT departments can reduce user management overhead and implement access policies for the Research Exchange.
More Info
Research Service Providers interested in listing their service catalogs can contact us or get started right away with a free account at Scientist Backoffice. Enterprise customers interested in a private research exchange can get more information here.