Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for Drug Discovery

What are Public-Private Partnerships for Drug Discovery?
In recent decades, the proliferation of world-wide epidemics and health emergencies (such as HIV, MERS, Ebola, and most recently Zika) has inspired efforts to improve the pace of drug discovery through large-scale collaborations. So-called Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) have been implemented in Europe (Innovative Medicines Initiative), in the United States (FDA’s Critical Path Initiative and several NIH initiatives), and elsewhere to attack critical health problems. (Comput Struct Biotechnol J.; 2013; Elisabetta Vaudanoa.) These PPPs pose unique challenges, including organization, data generation, knowledge sharing, intellectual property handling, financial planning, and more.
Collaborative Drug Discovery, Inc. provides secure data handling for several PPPs, and has an invested interest in their continued success. Join our distinguished panel of speakers as they deviate from the expected “PowerPoint presentation” style webinar to provide an engaging Town Hall experience.
To promote this model of collaborative drug discovery, we are sponsoring a series of Town Hall style webinars to explore topics such as:
- What makes PPPs succeed, and what are the contributing factors?
- What are the recommended roles within a PPP and how do they optimally work together?
- What happens to the data once projects end?
- How do PPPs handle intellectual property issues, funding issues, and hand-off to development?
Register now for this inaugural PPP Town Hall Webinar!