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An Insight Into Pollutant Characterization

Labs Explorer on May 30, 2018

The legislation is getting more and more severe about pollutants. Thus, the need to analyze ambient air, water or waste arises equally. The Flashlab company, led by E. Esber, is providing such services for professionals. Scientist asked his team a few questions.

Can you tell us more about your CEO E. Esber?

E. Esber is a chemical engineer and MBA graduated from the prestigious HEC University of economics. For 20 years he has created and led chemical and life sciences companies based on innovative concepts.
#### About your lab, what is the history, its mission?
Created in 2013, Flashlab is a French laboratory which provides analysis in air, water, materials, waste, and soil for any professional who needs pollutant characterization. Our skills are based on a multidisciplinary approach combining chemistry, physics, and biology of 130 employees.
#### What services does your lab offer?
The historical analysis is the asbestos one, quickly completed by other components which have a harmful impact on health such as heavy metals, halogenated, HAP and benzene compounds in the chemistry field. Also, we perform detection of microorganisms in water, air and soon for the food-processing industry. Flashlab is also a precursor in nanomaterial characterization. Many of our processes get the higher French quality label delivered by the COFRAC.
#### What sets your expertise apart from others?
Easy and quick analysis requests can be done online. For any inquiries or special investigations, ask for our commercial office.
#### What challenges are you willing to address in the near future?
Flashlab is a fast-developing company which keeps the startup flexibility and agility of the earlier times. Development and recruitment are still going on in order to offer to our customers the better panel of pollutant analyzes available.
#### What do you expect from Scientist?
Come and see by yourself! Our laboratories are opened for a visit, our technical managers are ready to find solutions to your issues.