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Posts tagged ‘contract research organization’

Showing 11-20 of 35 posts
Oct 29, 2013

Kevin Lustig was invited by The Empowered Patient Radio Show after they heard Kevin at the Tech Coast Angels quick pitch competition. Kevin...

Oct 24, 2013

This is Part 1 in a three-part series on key factors in CRO selection. (Check out Part 2 and Part 3). Alternative strategies for approaching drug...

Aug 7, 2013

If you’re looking to outsource research services, you invariably will come to the decision to keep it local or not. With the growth of the contract...

Apr 11, 2013

We’ve established that near sourcing has its advantages over outsourcing, but what are the best areas to near source? CROs, biotechs, and pharmas...

Apr 4, 2013

Outsourcing is frequently associated with overseas work, however it encompasses all work that you are sending outside the company,including work to...

Mar 28, 2013

The ultimate goal of Scientist is to connect scientists with service providers. There are thousands of Contract Research Organizations (CROs) that...

Mar 19, 2013

Successful pharmaceutical outsourcing requires realistic and well-defined expectations, a strong vendor-client relationship, and continued client...

Mar 5, 2013

Last week we blogged about the growing trend in pharmaceutical outsourcing. When people hear the word “outsourcing”, many assume that means that...

Feb 27, 2013

By some estimates, the pharmaceutical outsourcing market could grow to $65 billion by 2018, fueled by a compound annual growth rate of nearly 15...

Feb 19, 2013

It’s not hard to find articles, blog posts, or market reports these days that state contract research organizations, and outsourcing in general, is...